Meditation deepens the breath, slows the heart rate, lowers blood pressure, elevates "happy hormones" as well as growth hormones and immunity, lowers adrenaline and cortisol levels and unclogs platelets. Meditation changes the brain: the size of the hypocampus (center for memory, focus and learning) increases, while the amygdala (center for anger, anxiety, worry, stress etc.) shrinks in size. Meditation helps lengthen and protect Telomeres. Telomeres protect all the vital information in your DNA and are considered "the fountain of youth". Most importantly, meditation is the process of getting beyond yourself.
When you close your eyes and take your attention off your body, your environment, your problems, your memories, the places you have to go, the people in your life, your diet etc., you become fully present as pure awareness.
Your brain and heart get coherent, broadcasting a broader electromagnetic field which completely changes your state of being. You experience greater orderliness, wholeness, connectedness and elevation. Your brain starts producing Alpha waves, which set the stage for you to heal and create.
Now you can overcome the memory of your old self, the survival emotions and stress, and become who you really want to be and who you truly are.
Once you experience your primary sense of identity as consciousness or awareness, you gain a spaciousness and ease without thinking, which is a wonderfully liberating way to live.
During a meditation session, we work with your specific health issues to create a practice for you that can help you experience greater healing and love for life.